domingo, 29 de junho de 2014


Furnas Valley is a picturesque valley known for its hotsprings, its spas, its tranquility and its natural environment, which is ideal for nature-based tourism.
Recently a bullfight took place in this valley, with the permission of the local authorities. Barbarous events such as bullfights, which go against animal rights, have never been traditional in S. Miguel island, where Furnas Valley is situated. Bullfighting bull breeders ,  by economic interests, are trying to introduce this so-called "tradition" in an island where this custom never existed.
Please help us stop this attempt against animal rights, by sending the following  e-mail to the Mayor of Povoação (to which Furnas Valley belongs), and to the local Furnas local authorities.
To/ para:




Exmo. Senhor Presidente da Câmara Municipal da Povoação
Exmo. Senhor Presidente da Junta de Freguesia das Furnas
Dear sirs
The Furnas Valley is one of the most important touristic sites in São Miguel and in the Azores, internationally known for its incomparable nature and for its rich heritage. Places like the Terra Nostra Park, the many hot springs and the Furnas Lake are known references in the context of nature-based tourism.
However, this idyllic image of the Furnas valley can easily be destroyed if events such as the bullfight which took place on the 13th of June in the Queimadas area are allowed. These events which go against animal rights and welfare are not traditional in this island, and will result in the general disapproval of foreign tourists and also of locals who come to Furnas searching for a natural paradise.
In my opinion these barbarian customs based on animal torture and imported from other islands are totally incompatible with the development of a tourism based on nature. And they are also incompatible with a modern municipality which has until now based its tourism strategy in the respect for nature, the environment and animals. If other events of this kind are allowed, many tourists, foreign and national, will begin to avoid visiting the Furnas Valley, with loss of income for hotels, local restaurants and commerce.

It is my intention, if this kind of event is allowed in this area again, I will avoid visiting Furnas Valley, I will avoid staying in its hotels and eating in its restaurants, I will not shop in the local commerce and will not use its spas, or go to Furnas events and exhibitions.
Best regards

(name, country)

Morto em tourada em São Jorge